Elyse Mendell

Commercial and Recruitment Manager

Elyse is a seasoned professional with a passion for helping consultants thrive and excel. As an Internal Recruitment Consultant, she plays a pivotal role in shaping our company's growth and success.

With a rich background in working with startups and international organisations, Elyse brings a wealth of experience in helping businesses expand their operations and effectively recruit and manage their new employees. Her deep understanding of the challenges faced by emerging companies, coupled with her keen insights into recruitment and talent development, makes her an invaluable asset to our team.

Outside of her professional life, Elyse is a qualified personal trainer and has achieved remarkable success as an athlete. Her dedication and competitive spirit have led her to compete at a high level in both netball and track and field. These experiences have instilled in her a strong work ethic, discipline, and a commitment to pushing boundaries – qualities that she brings to her work every day.

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